[백준/파이썬] 16017번 Telemarketer or not? 풀이


문제 정보




Here at the Concerned Citizens of Commerce (CCC), we have noted that telemarketers like to use seven-digit phone numbers where the last four digits have three properties.

Looking just at the last four digits, these properties are:

  • the first of these four digits is an 8 or 9;
  • the last digit is an 8 or 9;
  • the second and third digits are the same.

For example, if the last four digits of the telephone number are 8229, 8338, or 9008, these are telemarketer numbers.

Write a program to decide if a telephone number is a telemarketer number or not, based on the last four digits.

If the number is not a telemarketer number, we should answer the phone, and otherwise, we should ignore it.


대강 번역하자면, 첫 자리와 마지막 자리가 8 또는 9, 두번째 자리와 세번째 자리가 동일한 숫자인 전화번호가 텔레마케터의 전화라고 가정합니다.

이 때, 텔레마케터의 전화면 무시하고 그렇지 않으면 받으라는 문제입니다.


l=[int(input()) for _ in range(4)]
print('ignore' if l[0]>7<l[3] and l[1]==l[2] else 'answer')


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